This is not a technical or IT related post. It is a very personal letter to a congregation of people I have been associated with since I was 5 years old.
To our Family at the Southwestern Church of Christ,
It is the responsibility of a mother and father to give a child a spiritual education. The local congregation of believers are a great aid to the parents and do much to support a child throughout their youth. We believe that as a teenager a child benefits in many ways from a robust and professionally led youth group. As a child grows, so do her needs. We believe that a solid youth group does much to equip a child for a life in Jesus. Forever relationships are created. While Southwestern valued and loves their children and wants the best for them, as a congregation we do not have nor are we able to support an active youth group or a professional youth minister (both of which we believe are critical). We believe that our children need to be involved somewhere that can. We do not desire to coerce, make ultimatums, drain resources or ask Southwestern to do something they cannot practically support.
It is reluctantly that we inform you that we will be leaving Southwestern to seek out and join a congregation that has a mature, established and Christ-centered youth program. We do desire to remain in fellowship.
This is an agonizing decision for us. Carolyn and I have attended Southwestern for 20+ and 37+ years respectively and we love our family there, but this is a decision we make with our children in mind however difficult it might be. We wish nothing but awesome things for Southwestern as you serve God, his people and grow. We will pray for the saints there daily. We ask and trust you will do the same for us.
Please feel free to contact us directly with any questions you might have.
In Jesus,
Shawn and Carolyn Wallace